Mariposa Lot

El Sargento | El Sargento | MLS 24-2044

$84,900 USD

($1,435,548.63 MXN) Please note that the price displayed in Mexican pesos has been calculated using the official national exchange rate published in the Diario Oficial de la FederaciĆ³n at $16.9087 mxn pesos per USD. However, please be aware that exchange rates are subject to change, and the displayed price should not be considered final. On weekends and festive dates we will display the last amount displayed by the Diario Oficial de la FederaciĆ³n and resume with the live exchange rate on the next business day automatically.

Lot area: 1,495.40 m2

WOW! Mariposa Lot is the ideal spot to purchase. The plot is a corner property that will allow for multiple property entrances, if desired. Located in one of the nicest areas El Teso Hills, this beautiful lot will check off every box in your search for a new building location or upscale campsite. A gentle slope provides spectacular views of the Sea of Cortez, while looking west provides outlooks over Cardon Cactuses and mountain ranges. With easy access to electricity and great year-round access to existing bike trails, Mariposa lot is a wonderful opportunity to own property in the kiteboarding destination everyone raves about. All the pieces are here... let your dreams put together the ultimate Baja experience.

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