Lote La Choya

Todos Santos | Ahorcadita | MLS 24-1304

$40,000 USD

($687,532.00 MXN) Please note that the price displayed in Mexican pesos has been calculated using the official national exchange rate published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación at $17.1883 mxn pesos per USD. However, please be aware that exchange rates are subject to change, and the displayed price should not be considered final. On weekends and festive dates we will display the last amount displayed by the Diario Oficial de la Federación and resume with the live exchange rate on the next business day automatically.

Lot area: 1,000.00 m2

Ocean Front Meters:

Title: Escritura

La Choya lot invites you to build your home in an exceptional environment. With panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean and the majestic Sierra de La Laguna, this lot offers a unique living experience. More than just a lot, this is an investment opportunity like no other in the area!

Lote La Choya te invita a construir tu hogar en un entorno excepcional. Con vistas panorámicas del Océano Pacífico y la majestuosa Sierra de La Laguna, este lote ofrece una experiencia de vida única. ¡Más que un lote, esta es una oportunidad de inversión como ninguna otra en el área!

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